
We envision a world where houses of worship and faith-based nonprofits are leaders in clean energy adoption.



Holland Sentinel

Interlochen Public Radio

Local Fox 17

Local Fox 17

Holland Sentinel

Fox17 article on Solar Faithful offers a way for local churches to save energy and money
Holland Sentinel article: Houses of worship can be good stewards of their finances, creation

The Rapidian

Michigan Conference (UMC)

  Trinity AME Solar Installation

The Rapidian article: Helping Grand Rapids Non-Profits Transition to Clean Energy


Ferry Memorial Reformed Church (Montague, MI)

Trinity African Methodist Episcopal (Lansing, MI)

Faith Lutheran Church (Okemos, MI)

The Refuge CRC (Grandville, MI)

The Refuge CRC (Grandville, MI)

First Lutheran (Muskegon, MI)

First Lutheran (Muskegon, MI)

World Renew (Byron Center, MI)

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